On behalf of _______'s family I would like to thank you all for attending this service of respect and dedication for their beloved, _______. This ceremony of love and respect for their beloved _______.
Death in a number of ways unites us all, and _______'s death for a time demands that each one of us put aside our toil, our cares and pleasures to unite ourselves with everyone here, mourners all who share in the common bond of love and friendship for _______.
With our last thoughts and respect for _______, I think it is fitting that we should reflect on _______'s time with us and the influence he had in your lives.
_______ was born the ____ child of __ children to parent's _______ on _______, in _____ Hospital. He was educated at ______ elementary school and then at ______ High School. _______ enjoyed the friendship of many school mates and his love for sport such as _____ and particularly, ______.
Life was never dull with _______ around, his family recalls their times with laughter with love for _______. This was very special as _______ was known always to be the life and soul of any gatherings of family and friends. Above all _______ was a loving, caring family man. _______ recalls him busy ______ just when food was on the table and how much he enjoyed being outside in the garden. At Christmas, when he cut the traditional roast, often eating more than he was cutting.
_______'s mother, Jean remembers the time when _______ decided to fly his kite off the family house rooftop, along with himself!!!
_______'s father, _____ recalls the time that _______ loved riding his little trike and how he once rode it …………….
I would like to read a poem that is written by _______'s father of his love for his son.
The joy of his birth filled our hearts with joy. We named him _______, his smile, his cheeky face, unfolded like satin lace. My heart is heavy now, the sorrow the grief will grow. I lost my son, his smile and cheek. God only takes the best, my love, my memories will never cease.
I am happy I was chosen, to be your Dad, I will never let you go, my son _______.
_______'s friends will always remember him as a fun loving guy, who loved _________ and his always forever-willing ways.
This tragic end to someone so full of life is sad, because we grieve most for the passing of the young. This very grief is a token that death cannot take from us, the most precious of treasures namely LOVE. It is the tear of love that flows the fullest. The pain of love that aches the deepest. The thoughts of love that move most actively. The intense feeling of loves that grieves for one so young. That nature it 'self is teaching us to keep hold of something, something that is truly worth keeping. For of all the memories, the memory of the young moves us more deeply than any other memories.
You may like to take a few moments before we say farewell to _______, please think of him as you remember him, the loving person he truly was, and also his influence he made on your life, whilst we listen to one of his favorite song's.
To _______'s parents, ________, his wife ______ and his children ______ and _______ and all the close family we offer our deepest sympathy and thank you most sincerely, for your love and support at such a tragic time of their lives.
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.
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