Elizabeth Anne (Beth) Galloway Sanders
performed by her step-son Rev. William C. Sanders, Minister ULC.
Friends, I welcome you today to a service of celebration as we reflect upon the life of Beth Galloway Sanders. We remember her as a kind and spiritual friend who loved and lived for Jesus Christ and for making others smile with faces full of joy. To my father, she was a loving wife and shared with him her beautiful spirit, kindness, and deepest love. others knew her as a loving family member and friend always ready and willing to show her love for us all. often for no other reason but to see us smile, and because quite simply that's just the way she liked it.
Beth shared her heart and love with each of us in her own unique way. We all new beth in different ways but we all new her as a kind, giving and special person. We will all take with us our memories of Beth as it is her way of living on in our lives.
in Rev. 22 , the Lord speaks to us " I am the alpha and the Omega" "The beginning and the end". As we are born into a life with christ and he is there to accept us at the beginning, so to is christ there to accept us at the end of our lives and to lead us on to an eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. we have lost a dear friend, wife, and family member who will be truly missed, but let us remain joyful and find comfort in knowing that she has left us safely in the arms of her Lord Jesus Christ whom she loved so much, and through whom she became the loving Beth that we all knew.
Let us pray : Lord we give unto you our hearts and pray for your healing grace in our lives.we pray for the spirit of our loved one whom has passed on to your care. we thank you for the gift of having your faithful servant in our lives, as we ask for strength and comfort for the things which we do not understand. this we pray...Amen
Rev. William C. Sanders "Pastor Will" San Antonio, TX
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